The VCX Forum, the leading consortium for developing standards for image quality assessment, held its annual Face-to-Face meeting in San Francisco on the 17 and 18th of June, with the generous sponsorship of Intel. The meeting was attended by 25 of the VCX member companies, representing various sectors of the image quality ecosystem, such as smartphone and PC camera manufacturers, chipset vendors, Labs, and research institutes.

Key achievements and outcomes of the Face-to-Face meeting:

    • The meeting participants worked to finalize the next version of the VCX standard, which will include new features and enhancements for measuring and improving the image quality of various aspects.
    • The meeting participants also discussed the future direction and vision for the VCX Forum, such as developing profile extensions for specific domains and applications, planning the following version of the standard, and increasing the awareness and adoption of the VCX standard among the image quality stakeholders.
    • The meeting participants also achieved other important milestones, such as defining the testing targets for the next version of the standard, updating the public documents (whitepaper and specification document) to reflect the latest developments, and revising the lab authority policy to ensure the validity and reliability of the VCX certification process.

Annual General Meeting

The event also hosted the annual general meeting of the VCX Forum, where the financial report and the department's operational achievements were presented and approved by the members. The VCX board has been successfully discharged for 2023, remaining in its position for the next year. It held election sessions for the chair of the XR department and two cash auditors. As a result, Vickrant was elected as the new chair of the XR department, and two cash auditors were also elected from the members.

Looking forward to the next Face-to-Face meeting.

The VCX Boards and I would like to thank all the participants and especially Intel, the sponsor, for making the Face-to-Face meeting a productive and successful event. We look forward to seeing you again at the next Face-to-Face meeting.

Benjamin Pak Coordinator