PhoneCam Test

The VCX test measurement currently updated to the 2020 version. It has now included a selfie camera test, also rear camera test has been extended to cover various capturing environment as well as video. The image quality test of the rear camera consists of several parts: Sunny, Indoor, Night, Flashlights conditions, Zoom, Video, Selfie(each under 3 condition: sunny, indoor, night). Even more VCX-Forum members consider that taking pictures under low light conditions is challenging, hence it additionally tested under 6 different faint lightroom as an ‘Extended Low Light condition’. Still, you can find the camera performance test in the updated version.

Test condition
Variables are controlled and kept constant throughout the test. Any changes in a variable during an experiment or in between tests would invalidate the correlation of dependent variables to the independent variable, thus skewing the results.
Ideally one image contains all the information that we need for the various image quality aspects, e.g. dynamic range and sharpness.
Factory default settings are selected and the default camera app with automatic exposure control is used. The analysis is performed based on the final JPG image data using the camera internal image processing pipeline.

The image quality evaluation based on the TE42 LL test chart is performed under different lighting conditions:

The metrics in the part “Response Time” are measured using the TE42-LL chart as well as LED panel.
The device under the shooting time lag test will be given the time to focus on the near-focus-chart in order to have a controlled starting point for the autofocus, which is then removed quickly so the device can focus on the far-focus-chart. The setup consists of a near-focus-chart and a far-focus-chart. The start of the exposure can still be determined, as it is the position of the first LED that is of interest.
The frame rate is normally reported as the number of frames that can be captured within one second. We decided to change this slightly and measure and report the time needed to capture 10 images.

The analysis is made using software that has been shown to comply with the IQ-Analyzer and the VCX own tools. All the data which is extracted from the measurements will be computed without additional subjective analysis. Totally over 350 test metrics are engaged to calculate the final VCX score. The proportion of each metric is determined by the VCX-Forum members when generating a VCX version.

The process is updated annually with new versions. the professional and detailed information can be found on the white paper. If you have any further questions, please contact the VCX coordinator.