The VCX name and logo are the property of the VCX-Forum e.V. They are registered as a trade mark.
VCX Forum members are authorized to use the VCX trademark in an appropriate and approved manner on, or in relation to, objective assessment of camera quality and performance.
Non-members of the VCX Forum wishing to use the VCX trademark are subject to the same conditions but must apply for authorization from the VCX Forum (
Please check the details in the logo policy on the download page.

These are examples of how to label the Logo
The logo is the abbreviation for Valued Camera eXperience, and consists of neutral colours. The logo can be used on its own or in combination with the full name – Valued Camera eXperience. Depending on the size of the logo, the full name “Valued Camera eXperience” can either place inbetween the brackets or directly underneath the brackets.
Logo Colors